It was the best of times. It was the worst
of times. . .
(For anyone
under 20, I didn’t invent that… instead, credit is due Charles Dickens who
penned the words some 150 years ago in the opening of his classic “Tale of Two
Still and so,
the juxtapositioning kinda sums up my world today…I credit Rosey for providing the wisdom in times like these. (Then again, isn’t this what dogs are for?)
It all
started when (last week) I began embracing seriously the topic of placing
Rosey’s pups -- plan at the time being to find home for all 7. I have since decided
to keep one pup as Rosey’s companion, appropriately named (by my little friend
Addison) “Rosebud” …for she is just that: Rosey's bud.
The first to
encounter (and then resist) embracing a new pup or two was a couple quite
familiar with the breed. Pyrenees need lots of room to roam, fyi; and then
they need fences to keep them from roaming too much. These two were dog nuts with settings resembling those you see on the opening to the TV show, Dallas.Yep. These puppies were in for a really good life.
Pictures of
their last fur-babies (I think at one point they had 5) graced walls and desks…Classic dog people. Their only
hesitation? “We’re not sure we can endure
the pain of the loss.”
It’s a state
every dog person knows too well. To anticipate the end it is not uncommon when
allowing yourself to fall in love all over again with a pup. Back and forth our
conversations went; but by yesterday, it was agreed. They would take 2 and I
would babysit when they traveled (as they live nearby). Come Sunday they would
come pick up their babies.
On the other
end of the emotional scale, my friend Dave, lost his girl Bella of 16 +
years last week, thus living the very pain my other friends were thinking through in their pup decision. If/when ready, he was
due a puppy fix, even if only for a visit.
Dave and I
have always shared our pups. Minks loves him like her own (and he her). Bella was
my girl too.
knowing quite how or when or what to say when one loses their best friend of
that many years, all I could say was “Come
see Rosey’s pups….Whenever it’s right…”
So my
morning started with a call from those originally hoping to resist pain saying
“Can we come fetch our babies early?” (After all, when it comes to puppies, why postpone even one day of
joy?) This was followed by one newly raw to the pain who brought his
baby, in a box, to experience and share in the newness of life…(as Bella loved nothing more than a romp on the farm).
Thanks to the
innocence of puppies…both found healing in the love from critters who have no
clue that blogs or all this thinking even exists (for puppies, as we know, live in the
present...Their job? To bring joy, happiness and love.) Which is precisely why we love 'em so...
I dedicate
this one to Dave’s baby, Bella~who was my baby too…
And to those
everywhere who dare to love again~
Bella girl, thank you for your beautiful life and all the love you brought us.
Here’s knowing your Spirit lives forever…
You're a good grrrl.
Here’s knowing your Spirit lives forever…
You're a good grrrl.