Make no mistake. This one's an emotional battle. Not the kind guys reenact on a Civil War battlefield... This one's as tough a battle as it gets and it's all between my heart and my brain and my God...
So the Layla update is this:
While continuing to bring her nutritional state up to "surgical readiness" (not a scientific term, but one I suspect, explains the situation more succinctly than a bunch of medical jargon) Layla is peaceful. Her leg is shot, but her tail still wags, which to me, indicates she very much wants to live with or without it (the leg, that is...Gotta keep that waggin' tail).
Since no one I consulted recommended surgery immediately (given the situation), I have opted to use this time for research... Calling in favors...Calling on masters of veterinary medicine and surgical specialists in particular. I've simultaneously been responding to those who (like me) simply love animals and have asked how to help salvage a poor dog's leg...or life...or both.
For the past 2 evenings (Friday and Saturday) we were blessed with cool breezes and precious little rain (at least on my farm)...Today, not so much. For those who've ever contended with something akin to damp days and bursitis, arthritis or any of the "itis" brothers, well, you can imagine what she's been dealing with, so for now, it's pain meds, anti-inflamatories and milk bones for a pup propped up like an ICU patient...
The good news is, she's a sweetheart...Her owner tells me she had food aggression issues before...Not so much here, as she has her own space and no one competing for anything anywhere near her. The fact that she enjoys eating so much, makes me very happy (comfort food being what Southern women live for after all)... Heck, I may dedicate my entire next cookbook to her, that's how precious her gratitude and the look of love in her face.
In short, we're keeping her as peaceful and as still as we can (for a farm with goats jumping around everywhere and 4 big dogs longing to play, that's easier written than done) ....We're keeping candles lit and prayers going, and I welcome the same from anyone so inclined after reading this post.
For those who have reached out, and for anyone else interested in pitching in for what stands to be a 6 - 8 week recovery after a not-so-cheap surgery, IM me or email me ... I can direct you as to where to send a check if you're so inclined. (Should something go awry, I promise we'll return it to you.)
For now, it's all about Layla~
(Why these things happen, I shall never understand...I think they call it "life"~)
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