Saturday, January 3, 2015


  1. 1
    a firm decision to do or not to do something.
    "she kept her resolution not to see Anne any more"

  2. 2
    the action of solving a problem, dispute, or contentious matter.
    "the peaceful resolution of all disputes"

         I'm intrigued with the notion of resolution. First cousins with the verb "resolve" (i.e. to decide firmly on a course of action), resolution means you've now made that decision and you are resolute in seeing it through.

         If Christmas "'tis the season for giving" then New Year's Day 'tis the season for giving back to yourself" as I see it...Giving back to my own soul by way of commitments I make to align my life to a certain course of action. It's my favorite holiday because it's reflective. It's personal to the individual. It's downright intimate. While you may resolve to join a fitness club or start a new diet complete with the support of others, the decision itself is an inside, one-on-one, soul-search of a job, and I for one, am for any holiday spent focusing on this kind of substance.

         As for my resolutions this year, some are personal, but most, if they are to BE, will at some point become known (so why not go ahead and share them early, right?)

    1) I am resolved to engage in more silence this year. I have found silence to be the balm of all healing balms. To talk less, listen more...Ponder first, act later...These are the sorts of energies that result from practicing silence. I have found the adage true that you get more of what you subsidize. For those times in my life that I have consciously chosen to adopt a daily discipline of silence, I have found I get more silence in return, and as a matter of energy invested, I can think of no greater dividend.

    2) Per the silence comes more writing, more creating, more "meaning" as was my wish entering the Christmas holiday. (I type this one cautiously, as so far, "meaning" has become synonymous with death here of late.) You want to cut straight to the chase of what's meaningful, let your best friend of 30 years cross over, or spend your Christmas wondering why the soul of your charitable board had to be taken away so soon. You'll find yourself knee deep in meaningful whether you wanted it or not. Still and so, with silence come muses and muse-wisdom is sorely needed on planet earth right now. I personally am making more space for it. Like the Motel 6 ad, "I'm leaving a light on for it."

    3) I am resolved to engage share more of my time,  my space, my ideas with like-minded seekers.
    It started occurring to me around year 3 of my gardening/farming/sustainable living experiment that, much as I love solitude, the things I've just listed are not solo sports. I've said it before (only halfway kidding) but it really DOES take a village, and as I look to the year ahead (year 4 for me with the whole acre garden thing), I realize I should've PLANNED on help long ago. Was the greatest gift I've ever given myself when in December (yes, it took me this long to figure it out) I infused help into my equation. Someone to help structure the whole garden/farm/goat/dog operation AS an oversee future FFH interns or help me line up farm crews. 2015 is a year to work hard, yes, but more than hard, it is time to work SMART. What's more, I marvel at the number of folks who've reached out over this past year...wanting to know about gardening things or my thoughts on sustainable...Wondering if they had what it took to raise a herd of goats themselves. There's nothing mystical about any of this (well, there's plenty mystical, but as a matter of doing it, it is just that--a matter of resolve to just do it as the Nike ad states). I am here to support those teetering on the edge of simplifying their own lives. I cannot encourage you enough. And if experiencing the concept as a sort of "test drive" proposition helps, well, I'm all about that too. (More on this idea in the days and weeks to come.)

    4) I am resolved to observe more, consume less.
    I began an experiment roughly a month ago, of clearing out clutter. While a far cry from minimalist living (as was the game plan I found by googling--) I'm probably not going to move into 250 square feet of living space anytime soon, however my closet COULD use a good overhaul and my basement screams to be something other than a storage shed for dead-weight items. Putting space to good use is high on my list of priorities this year, as is becoming intensely aware of just how much "stuff" I do not need.  Einstein said it best (and quite simply I might add) with his E=MC2. In short, stuff is energy. Too much of it drains your energy. Less and less (I'm finding) rekindles your energy, and that notion excites me greatly, as that is energy I'd much prefer spending on more important things, such as new creations and people who uplift and inspire and meaningful friendships and relationships and experiencing inspiring places I've longed to experience with those I enjoy experiencing life with (even if that's just me or me and a  bunch of goats).

    In short, I am resolved to move past the pettiness I've let consume too much of my time...and move, with direction and focus, toward things that are higher...things that are nobler (for as the hymn states it) "...these have allured my sight."

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