Monday, September 29, 2014

A Trust of Good Deeds

     It does my heart good every time I hear a news story of someone doing a deed for a stranger, simply for the sake of kindness. A waitress being left a huge tip...The lady at the register, short on cash, when the stranger behind her reaches in with a $20...That driver at Starbucks who paid for the next car behind launching a "pay it forward" chain reaction  that lasted well throughout the day (as the story was reported).
     Random acts of kindness they're called. "Pay it Forward" only for real, in day to day life.
     While not done for praise or recognition, we tend to want to call these people out, if for no other reason than to credit them for being kind. (Not that they aren't worthy of both praise and recognition, but I live for the day when an act of kindness is not a news story, but rather just that-- an everyday act of kindness...Something that happens regularly...that makes us smile without shocking our socks off!)
     As a matter of these acts, I got my quarterly boost from attending a meeting of a trust I've been blessed to be a part of for nearly 6 years now...The result of one thoughtful man (and his wife/now his widow, left to carry out his wishes) when, on his deathbed he not only found Christ, but also a part of his soul meant for giving. As a part of his silent legacy and loving heart, he (in his will) established a trust designed solely (souly) for giving...not to huge non-profits or national efforts of relief (for which there are great things being done and for which funding elements are in place). No, this man's vision was to supply a team of good hearted people (some he was related to; a handful he selected) to be there in a time of need for others to "play angel" as we've been blessed to swoop in at just the right minute, when a need presents itself. (Each of the angel gestures listed above have happened to members of this group; along with myriad other opportunities that have appeared, now that watchful eyes and armed wallets are ready for small ways in which we might be called to help.)
     Because these deeds are done most often through anonymous means, we don't talk much beyond our group as to what it means to spot such moments (using someone else's money at that, which you think would be easy, but it's actually even harder). What HAS resulted from this experiment of an experience is the keen reminder (a theme to my entire life these days, not just here, but in growing gardens, in raising things, in hugging dogs, in living) that AWARENESS is everything. Being mindful...WATCHFUL, of life's moments when someone might be facing something uncomfortable for which the smallest gesture in one split second could bring about a world of comfort...silently, unbeknownst to others....all in the twinkling of an eye.
     I make mention of this only because after a week of juggling, struggling, and yes, stressing over too much to do and too little time, my quarterly trust gathering restoreth my soul (as the great Psalmist put it). Nothing recalibrates my cogs, rejuvenates my spirits and returns me to my regularly scheduled life that hearing from souls such as these who find themselves in positions to help and how it made them feel (how it made others feel; how it changed them) ...A reminder of priorities in check--(that priority being to be here to help others and to be open to others (angels included) who more often than I deserve, show up unexpectedly and without fanfare or need of recognition, miraculously arrive on my scene to be play angel to me).

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